Travel Snapshot – Chinese Children Playground
What do you see in a children playground? A tyre swing? Monkey bar? Sliding tube? Teeter Totter? Climbing ladder? Or you have never been once? I’ve seen all the above very often because every time I go to a park with my children, there are sure a dedicated compound with rubber chipping floor and children playground equipment. What about in China?
Off course you could still those western and modern types of outdoor children playground equipment like above. But there are some places in China, like the park I’ve been to in Wuxi China during my vacation travel to South Yangtze China, I saw these 2 special (to me…) designed or Chinese designed type of children outdoor playground set which I found special and interesting… 🙂
This is more like a warfare training ground where children (‘why I saw adults there also?‘) are to climb up this netting bridge to walk across to the other side. What I found interesting is the timber structure supporting the netting which are so strong and durable that I won’t be able to see any here in Malaysia.
The second one above is even more interesting. I did try myself though it is meant for children and youngsters. Timber planks are screwed and hung from top with chains that looks similar to a tyre swing, except they are designed for standing. A row of these timber swings are then arranged close to each other for people (children I mean) to swing and step over to the other, one by one, until reaching to the other end. I can tell you that it is not an easy job at all and both your hands and legs can be shaking even after the game! Again, the structures are all made of timber!
These two set are warfare games for ancient chinese children. I love to see one here if there are any. Do you love to wander around playgrounds? – Travel Feeder.

All photos above were captured with Panasonic Lumix FZ28
We used to play in large playgrounds when we were kids.. now playgrounds are smaller and losing the appeal. Singapore is getting denser than ever.
- October 10, 2009.-= eunice´s last blog ..15 Best Travel Photo Blogs =-.
The first apparatus looked like something people would use for team building. Looks like fun! 🙂
- October 11, 2009