Top 5 Packing List Items For Fun China Tour
I have written about the Top 5 things to bring in travelers’ packing list a year ago which is still a ‘must-read’ guides for travelers. Here is something more specific for “fun” China travel. I iriterate: For Fun Travel! Why? You will lose much of the fun of China travel if you miss these tems, just like me! I didn’t have all these 5 items in my bag when I travelled to South Yangtze China last winter. I would hope someone has provided this tips last time, as what I’m doing here! 🙂
I found these 5 items are especially important to me and wish to highlight here to whoever travellers wish to travel to China and wondering what should be in their luggage. Off course, top your packing list would still be those 5 essential items in travelers’ packing list, like passport and money. Next to it would be these 5 items, for fun China travel. Which one more important is all up to you.
Here are the Top 5 items in your packing list for your China travel, and with more fun! (Particularly South Yangtze China) :-
- Camera –
There are too many beautiful, breathtaking sceneries, amazing architecture, heritage sites and mouth watering foods in China that you could not miss taking photos of them! Perhaps it’s once in your lifetime travel, shooting more is defintely better than miss any! Bring your travel camera! There are too many camera options in the market, viz. compact, prosumer, ultrazoom, and DSLR cameras. I would say the digital DSLR is my choice for much better photo quality;
- Power Adapter –
There are more then 18 different plugs and power socket specification being recognised in this world. Make sure your country is using the same type of plug and socket as in China. If not, you will need to bring along an adaptor for your battery chargers. Important if your camera is using lithium ion battery;
- Nescafe –
Be it 3-in-1 powder pack or just Nescafe powder in jug, if you are Nescafe coffee lover like me, and have limited budget to spend in cafe, bring more from your home. Mind you, Nescafe produced in China is tasteless, too mild! Sorry to say that;
- Calculator – Pen and notepad as well if possible. If you are planning to buy some souvenirs from China, prepare to check, bargain, jot down and look around again. You can get the same kind of things with huge range of price difference in different stalls. Too much price difference will make you mad and confused. So, it’s better to get a calculator along and start calculating the discounting rate. Most of the time, if you’re bargaining something, you can just offer to buy at 30% of list price. Rules of thumb of China’s shopping, and
- Mask and sanitizer – Need to say more? The most effective practices in order to prevent or reduce the rate of H1N1 Influenza A infection, are to wear 3-ply filter mask to cover your mouth and use sanitizer to wash your hands frequently. The highly contagious virus H1N1 spreads from person to person, mainly through the coughing or sneezing of a sick person. So, wearing mask and washing your hands could reduce the risk of getting H1N1 virus by easily half… if you still want to travel now…
Other than these 5 items, you may also consider to fill up your luggage with empty bags before departing to China. For my case, we went to China with only 1 luggage but came back with additionl 2 hand carry bags. :)- Travel Feeder.
About The Author
Cecil Lee
The author is an avid traveler and photography hobbyist who loves to share with others his travel and photo-taking experience in many popular tourist destinations around Europe, Asia and Australasia. Read the exciting stories with many photos captured on his journeys.
Nescafe? Haha this is a first for me 🙂
- August 21, 2009>Che-Cheh,
- August 24, 2009Yeah. I’m Nescafe lover that why I realised this. 🙂
In fact a lot of Chinese coming over to Malaysia and buy back Nescafe as well as Ipoh White coffee to China. According to them, our coffee here is much better and richer taste than China… 🙂
Lol, this is great.. bringing your own coffee to China is a little practical in some ways. I love Nescafe and I don’t drink Chinese Tea.. good advice. 🙂
make money blogging
- August 27, 2009>Joanna,
- August 27, 2009Thanks. Hope it would help travellers planning to travel China for the first time. 🙂