Ski Vacation To Mont Blanc and The Alps… still my dream
This coming May would be my 2nd time visiting Western Europe. for the second time, my itinerary does not include any ski tour at any ski destination in The Alps. If you’ve read my Europe tour itinerary planning earlier, our travel to Western Europe shall pass across the Alps twice; Firstly, we traveled by train to Venice passing through the mountain range; Secondly, we will fly over the Alps from Rome to London. along the way we could stop at Switzerland or Southern France for a short ski tour but we do not. In view of our tight budget and tight schedule, we have to pass it over for the second time. It happened to be the same situation as in my first time to Europe. So my dream ski vacation to Mont Blanc and The Alps would remain as my dream…
Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in the Alps and Western Europe, measuring 4,800m above Sea Water Level. The Mont Blanc Massif is the popular site for skiing, mountaineering, hiking and snowboarding. Chamonix is the French town to stay around Mont Blanc.
I skied only once back in my school time in Scotland over 10 years ago. In fact it was only a short hour fun before snow storming. So, skiing remains a new sports to me. I was dreaming then one day I would arrange a long ski vacation at one of the ski destination in the Alps, staying in a ski resort and experience the excitement of the game and the white environment. I did even dream of owning a French property near Mont Blanc so I could overlook the White Mountain every holidays! Perhaps I should start with a proper ski lessons in the near future… 🙂
As world temperature is rising every year, thanks to our own human daily activities and desire, ice is slowly melting away. Snows at the Alps or other white mountains are getting thinner and thinner. One day, we would not be able to see any snows on the Alps or Mont Blanc. So, if possible, visit them NOW before it disappears! If there is ski property for sale, consider to grab one for investment as people will rush to see the last piece of snow land in the future! 🙂 – Travel Feeder, your travel photo blog.