My Top 5 Popular Photos in iStockphoto

Don’t waste your travel photos! Don’t undervalue your creation or arts! Share with the world and other travelers by either Flickr or on your own travel blog. It would be even better if you sell travel photos that captured during your travels and make some pennies for your next trip! I haven’t quite made enough for my trip to Europe albeit couple of rooms stay in Europe have been earned since I last joined istockphoto.

Unfortunately, I have not submitted any new stock photos since my 100th submission to istockphoto as I was too busy in my travel blog (the one you’re reading now ๐Ÿ™‚ ). However, the best part of selling stock photos is, even though no new photo was being submitted for 4 months, my stock photos are still selling! Among those 100 photos collection in istock, these 5 photos are the most popular with highest number of downloads so far (if you’re still unsure how stock photos work in the market, check out my istockphoto page):

  1. ist2_9775872-orchid-flower-in-a-group

    Orchids in a group

  2. ist2_9727148-winding-road-sign

    Winding Road Sign

  3. ist2_10289005-solid-timber-strip-flooring

    Timber Floor patterns

  4. ist2_9260646-kuala-lumpur-city-skyline-at-dusk

    Kuala Lumpur skyline at dusk

  5. ist2_10364005-concrete-flooring

    Stone floor patterns

I love taking photos on my travels as it gives me satisfactions when capturing those fascinating travel destinations into my memory card. This feeling would be even stronger when your creations are being accepted or downloaded by others. That is partly why I love submitting my travel photos to istockphoto. Not only that. Their strict requirements on reviewing photo submissions taught me as well as inspired me a lot in shooting better photos.

I hope one day, my stock photos could sell better and to grow as fast as my passion in travel. If you are looking for stock photos for your websites or articles, check out my istockphoto collections… ๐Ÿ™‚ – Travel Feeder, your ultimate travel photo blog

  1. Che-Cheh
  2. Heather on her travels
  3. cecil
  4. Mark H
  5. cecil

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