A Tribute To The 2008 Olympic City – Beijing

olympic-emblem.jpgFor me, visiting a city that running or organizing a major game such as the Olympic or World Cup, is always my last option, unless it is not my first visit to the city. The reason why is that I would not be able to see the ‘real’ side of that city after the ‘decoration’ done by the government to welcome visitors; And it is always extremely packed with travelers. Most importantly, the trip could easily cost you a bomb with accommodation price increased by a few folds! I would rather go there after the game. This is my principle of travel all the while until I saw the opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Summer Games in Beijing on the 8th August 2008 started from 8:08pm, which in short would be written as: 8:08pm, 080808 (Number 8 stands for ‘Wealth’ in Chinese belief). In the most simple terms that I could describe is, it stunned me from start until end!beijing-birds-nest1

beijing-olympic-open-ceremony3This is a special post that Travel Feeder is paying a tribute to the honourable Olympic city, Beijing. Though I have not been to Beijing, the last weekend-watching of the Olympic Games over my LCD at home has really touched the deepest side of my heart. Organizer’s efforts paid off. Since year 2001 when Beijing was elected as the host for XXIX Olympic Games, the city has gone through various revamping exercise not only constructing new stadium or renovating existing venue but also improving the city’s image. New monuments, squares have been erected; Signboards of public amenities are also being rephrased with ‘proper’ English (I bet you have heard enough of those funny English-written signboard); Most importantly, Beijing people are also proud to be the host of the game and ready to welcome the world, ready to make the dream comes true! As their slogan says, ‘ONE WORLD ONE DREAM’.olympic-open-ceremony2

olympic-open-ceremony3olympic-open-ceremonyThanks to the event director, one of the world’s most significant director from China, Zhang YiMou, the opening ceremony was presented in such a magnificent and movie-like style. Having themes of different era of the Chinese history, it is telling the world that Chinese invented paper and fireworks by displaying a giant paper-like scroll enfold and over 20 minutes of fireworks display. The final historical moment and ceremony highlight of 2008 Olympic games would of course be the Olympic Flame lighting ceremony, accomplished by the last Olympic torch bearer, the 3-time-Olympic-Gold-Medalist, Li-Ning, also in a movie-like style of running in the air (thanks to the perfect acting maneuver by Li-Ning). The Olympic Flame lighted up the sky of Beijing finally! It was perfect and the most spectacular Opening ceremony I have ever seen! And it was only over my LCD screen at home!! How about the audience in the Bird’s Nest Stadium? I couldn’t imagine.Forbidden City

beijing-roast-duckIt drove me crazy for not being present in Beijing to witness the historical moment of the 29th Olympic Games. I could see that the Olympic’s mood is all around Beijing and local people’s passion over Olympic just made me feel like going to Beijing immediately. No doubt, in terms of traveling, there are so much things to do in Beijing, ie. to visit the UNESCO heritage site of Forbidden City and Tian An Men square in the middle of Beijing; and also trying their infamous Beijing Roast Duck!! And it is why I’m so keen on recommending Beijing to the world even though it is against my principle of travel.  Travel Tips: As long as you have the budget, it is always great and worth to spend more on the city during the Olympic Games! – Travel Feeder.

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