Top 5 things to do on vacation for Tech savvy

When Tech savvy is on travel, they just love to bring all their IT gadgets along. Besides IT gadgets they can’t miss to bring along, including iPad, iPhone, power bank and WiFi router, most other gadgets will not be used at all. They seem not able to leave home without IT gadgets, but our luggage space is limited. We need to know what to use when and what not to be used at all. So let us explore on the things that we do most on vacation to decide which IT gadgets to bring along. Here I’ve gathered the top 5 things to do on vacation for any tech savvy who brings too many gadgets and leave them in their luggage.

Rest at Port Vell

Reading travel guides

Getting to know the cities you are visiting and its attractions is utmost important and fun. Tech savvy travelers don’t bring heavy guide books but tablet. Reading e-books while having coffee or relaxing in the parks, have become the top thing to do on travel.

Managing your flight, transport and accommodation booking

With the convenience of booking everything your travel needs online, managing them along your vacation is the next important thing to do on travel. Checking in flights, confirming your hotels by emails, or booking your Shinkansen trains next day, can all be done easily with IT gadget nowadays.

Backing up and processing your photos

If you are a typical tech savvy on vacation, you can’t afford to lose your photos just snapped. First thing to do at night after bath in hotel would be backing up your images from SD cards to laptop or tablet. Processing the photos and sharing them on Facebook or Flickr is the top thing to do next.

Connecting with people at home

What is more important than calling your family back home from abroad? There are many ways and means to do so in this Internet era, so connecting to someone you love at home is far more easy than ever before. Not only that, tech savvy will also keep their business running while holidays by teleconferencing with his work group, albeit this is not encourageable for a traveler.

Playing online Games

While waiting for your flight departure at the airport lounge, you can play online games with either tablet or smartphone. It would be fun to play your favourite games on vacation abroad. You can also check and download the latest games on the local iTune store.

By knowing these top 5 things to do on vacation, you should know the only IT gadgets we need to bring along is a tablet. Nowadays, with the fast technological advancement, a tablet can do all the top 5 things to do on vacation being a tech savvy. You can just leave all other IT gadgets such as laptop, iPod, Nintendo, wireless sound system and so on at home.

Having said that, the only single element that can let you do all the 5 things above is internet connection. So you will need either data roaming service or WiFi router! – Travel Feeder

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  1. Hannah

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