Top 5 Characteristics Of A Popular Travel Blog
I’m not self-promoting, mate! I’m just being an observer viewing from a helicopter at those popular travel blogs in the blogophere and I’m also trying hard to learn from them too! My conclusion is those popular travel blogs have certain common characteristics and features and I hope my finding here could be a preliminary guide to whoever going to start blogging travel OR just starting to blog about travel (that’s me!). If you these would interest you, please read on. If not, please read on too. 🙁
Here are the top 5 undisputable keys to success:
- Great content – Yes. The contents must be great and original. It sounds simple but actually not. You have to post something interesting and informative blog and other people likes to read about. It could be either your travel experience, the latest travel related news or travel tips. Moreover, your writing skill have also to be lively and humorous, or sometime narrative enough to attract people to continue reading. It could also be some other people’s experience but first blog it by you! On top of that, good contents have to be continuous and frequent but not once and for all;
- Great Blog Design – Eye catching and refreshing blog design certainly a must in all popular travel blogs. Travelling is all about leisure so travel blogs have also to be entertaining and exciting. Colour scheme in this case could be more vibrant but navigation about blog must still be easy;
- Full of links – Links about travel related information, travel tips, hotel information, airline booking links are among those popular lists in those popular travel blog. Travelers visit your travel blog for stories about travel and they are definitely interesting to know more about other related travel info. The more beneficial travel links your blog has, the more often your readers will visit you again;
- Great Photos – This is the first thing that caught my attention. Travel blog is always related to travel photos. Photos for travel destination, travel experiences, travel news, foods or even happening on your travel. In order to make up a complete travel weblog, writing must be accompanied with related photos, or illustration.
Nice photos could always attract people drop-by your blog more often. Not all travelers afford to travel the world and they will appreciate your photos to that travel destination more if it’s original. You may want to include some sneak shots to places or people that we will not be able to see from the newspapers or magazines!, and
- Personality of the author – This is the most important aspect of a popular travel blog! I put it here as the last key because it overrides the all other top 4 characteristics above!! Why I think the author is so important? Let’s imagine this: Will you visit a travel blog, IF, it’s author is Barack Obama? Or Bill Gate? Or Jakie Chan? Or Brad Pitt? Angelina Jolie? Who else? No matter how bad is the story, the blog design, the photos, huge amount of people will still visit their travel blogs, right? Beside those celebrities or Billionaires, travel blogs of a girl will have certain advantages over those of a guy! (you can dispute this though but it’s my finding and I’m not sexist! ).
What do you think? There are other features that could make a travel blog popular off course and that’s up to you folks to figure out. Or you could always comment on my above Top 5 characteristics. If you agree on what I’m posting here, you may prefer to subscribe for free RSS updates of Travel Feeder. However, for those who blog travel for other travelers in this world will need to achieve these standards if you want to popularise your blog. I’m learning…. 🙂 – Travel Feeder.
About The Author
Cecil Lee
The author is an avid traveler and photography hobbyist who loves to share with others his travel and photo-taking experience in many popular tourist destinations around Europe, Asia and Australasia. Read the exciting stories with many photos captured on his journeys.
Great site…keep up the good work.
- September 10, 2009Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.
- September 10, 2009Interesting observations.
- September 21, 2009.-= Borneoboy´s last blog ..Eating in Kuching – Lunch at The Sarawak Golf Club Samarahan =-.
Thanks for the tips. I have been trying to incorporate a lot more pictures on my travel blog and also keep it short (but that last one is hard…)
- February 2, 2010.-= Ali´s last blog ..A View from the Mekong =-.
The photos make the blog. A source of photos that I can use for news articles on travel is golden. Love those surprising details too. Post something unique to your experience and I’m hooked.
- November 3, 2010Simple tips, but thanks – really useful to remind yourself of the basic principles.
- February 26, 2011Great inputs. Keep it up. By the way, its a wee bit difficult on the design flexibility if hosted on blogspot or
- October 3, 2011Great post. I just started my own travel blog and it can really use some help. Thanks for sharing this. 🙂
- October 27, 2011Useful post with helpful reminders for travel bloggers. I’d add a sixth point: regularity of posting. It doesn’t have to be exceptionally frequent such as twice daily, but it should be regular even if weekly.
- February 9, 2012Some brief but informative stuff, cool graphics and resources for potential travelers are the perfect ingredients for a travel blog.
- March 2, 2012Jeremy from Dublin bus hire
Great info for travel bloggers just starting out, and I’d second David’s suggestion of posting frequently. Readers can be pretty fickle and if you leave them high and dry with no new material for a while you’ll soon have virtual tumbleweeds blowing through your travel blog 🙂
- March 13, 2012Awesome blog mate!
- April 18, 2012