Are Motorhome Loans A Good Idea?

In the past, motorhome living was stereotyped as a deadbeat’s lifestyle. Living in a van, no permanent location, always wandering around. However, with the rising number of recreational vehicle owners, it became more acceptable to society. Now there are even social media influencers that share what their life is like living in a four-wheeled vehicle, leaving people all over the globe wanting to join the wagon.
Then again, not all of us have the financial capability of paying for a recreational vehicle in full amount. This is where motorhome loans come in and are proven useful. The relationship between us people and loans goes way back, after all (read more).
Even before, there were times when there’s just no way of paying for something in cash. If the thought of purchasing a motorhome has been bothering you for some time, consider looking at loans.
Before subjecting yourself into a long-term motorhome loan there are few things you need to keep in mind. After all, there’s the risk of falling into debt when the requirements are not met. Factors below should be considered:
- Applying for this type of loan can be a lot of trouble (if you don’t know what you’re doing, that is)
- The RV is used as collateral
- The interest rate can vary amongst lenders; some offering appalling rates
- The value of the vehicle can depreciate overtime
If you’re still keen on getting that deal, the benefits in return are worthwhile. Despite the different opinions regarding recreational vehicles, owning one is definitely an upgrade in your lifestyle. Here are a few benefits you’d reap once you have a campervan in your possession:

1. Freedom
Complete and utterly freedom. Everybody has the goal of leaving their parent’s homes. We can’t deny that being in the same roof with your folks can sometimes feel like you’re trapped. You’re restricted and limited from doing a bunch of things. Plus, there’s nothing more liberating than living life independently. However, if you don’t want to be tied down to a specific location, you can go for campervans.
You have the freedom of having your own place, and you get to travel. It’s killing two birds with one stone.
2. Versatility
There is a wide range of motorhomes to select from. You can choose depending on your preferences and time of use. You’re not limited to one design and brand. This makes it ideal for anyone who wants to buy one. When you’re viewing motorhomes available in the market, you can either go for a campervan or a caravan.
Caravans are the ones that rely on other 4×4 vehicles to move. They’re basically a trailer that needs to be hooked or attached to a powered automobile. On the other hand, campervans are the stand-alone type usually pertained as RV’s (recreational vehicles). They can fully function independently. Because of the difference in the engine, it has affected other features such as space.
Space-wise, caravans have an edge over campervans because of the absence of the driving area. That would mean the home facilities of campervans are reduced, unlike caravans. Depending on the size, caravans are fully furnished with all the household essentials.
Although in terms of convenience, recreational vehicles are the obvious winners since there’s no second party involved. Nevertheless, each one has its own set of pros and cons (
3. Travel
There’s nothing more vexing than getting stuck in a place where you feel like it’s leading you nowhere. When you feel that your current location is no longer serving its purpose, travel! It’s high time for you to get out of your comfort zone and leave the itty-bitty city. Time to see the world with your own eyes experience the wonders of it firsthand. And having your own motorhome can help you with your journey.
Traveling in the air can get you jetlag while traveling in water can get you seasick. If you’re the type that suffers from these, then maybe traveling on land is your cup of tea. It might take longer than other means of transportation but with a campervan, there’s nothing to worry about. You’re equipped with all the necessary facilities. When you’re tired you can just consider it a day and rest on your camper’s bed.
Not to mention, it can cut off costs for accommodation in your budget. You have the world at your fingertips. With that said, if you’ve been wanting to travel for the longest time, getting a loan for a motorhome isn’t so bad.
The banking business is an extensive industry. When it comes to motorhome loans, the number of lenders can reach quite the number. This makes first timers easily intimidated by the number of options. Although please keep in mind that if it’s your first loan it might not be sensible for it to be a vehicle. Nevertheless, the choice is yours, we’re all in different situations after all.
Don’t be impulsive when making decisions like this. Take your time to think and plan it thoroughly. Do your research and consider all factors that can affect your loaning process. That way, you can have a successful result. – Travel Feeder