Travel photo – Trees and Shoren-in Temple in Kyoto

One of the best things to do in Japan is to snap photos on the surrounding buildings and scenery. The clean air, clear sky and perfectly tidy surroundings make all your snapshots look attractive. This was what I did when I was on my Japan travel a couple of months ago. And this one being shared below is one of my favourite. I love this photo. I love the lighting, the tree trunks and the background temple. Combining the three, this photo shows the serenity of the holy Shoren-in temple, one of the five Monzeki temples of the Tendai sect in Higashiyama area of Kyoto, Japan.

Shoren-in temple

Some EXIF info: Captured with Nikon D7000 and Nikkor 18-105mm lens attached. Shot in Aperture Priority mode, with Shutter speed 1/60 sec. Aperture f20. Focus distance was set to 28mm. Auto ISO 1600. Auto White Balance. No flash fired and +1 EV Stop of exposure value being compensated with Matrix metering.

The scene was backlit with strong sunlight at the back. In order to capture the details of the tree trunk and temple, I need to compensate possitively the exposure by increasing 1 full stop of its metering EV and increase the sensitivity of the sensor by selecting ISO1600 for this particularly shots. I tried to capture the star burst effect of the sunlight but failed due to the high ISO setting. Overall, I’m satisfied on the result.

Hope you like it too! πŸ™‚Β β€“Travel Feeder

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