Camping Without Being Over-Encumbered: 7 Tips for Keeping Your Backpack Light

Camping is always an adventure that you want to be prepared for. Just make sure you’re not over prepared. Having too much gear can make hiking and camping unnecessarily difficult. Keeping your backpack light allows you to be more agile and balanced. You’ll be reducing the pressure on your joints and better conserve energy. Here are some tips to help you camp a little lighter.
1. A Light Backpack
Travelling light means everything is light, including your backpack. You’ll want your backpack to have enough compartments to easily organize your gear, but you also want to make sure that you’re not being bogged down by features you don’t need. One feature that you may want to have is waterproofing. Water is heavy, so it will add some weight to your backpack, not to mention it can ruin some of your water sensitive equipment.
2. A Light Tent
A compact, the lightweight tent will serve you well. It won’t weigh you down as much and you can carry it more comfortably. In addition to having one of the best ultra light tents, you may also want to consider a ground sheet. All you need is a thin tarp that you can use as a barrier between you and the ground. You will be able to use it for sitting and increased rain protection if necessary.
3. Basic First Aid
You always want to be prepared for emergencies and medical situations, but you don’t need to pack unnecessary first aid items. For instance, there’s no need for scissors if you carry a multi-purpose knife. You probably won’t need a kit with 45 different items in it. Instead, pack some bandaids, medical tape, tweezers, blister treatments, ibuprofen or aspirin and stomach medicine.
4. Less Clothing
Camping doesn’t require doing laundry, so you only need one other change of clothes. You can go to your water source and wash as needed. Wear what you can to keep your pack light and have one change of clothes plus one extra pair of socks. You’ll be glad for that extra pair of socks if the nights get chilly or if you step in something wet.
5. Know Your Water Source
It’s a good idea to know where your sources of water are and if they provide safe drinking water. If you opt to bring a water filtration device, try something small and compact, like a filter straw or water tablets. If you want to be as close to as light as a feather as you can get, bring empty sports to drink bottle to fill and empty as necessary.
6. Backpacking Stove
This isn’t necessary but it is very convenient. When you want to heat your food fast, an ultralight stove adds only a few ounces and works quickly and easily. As long as you have the fuel canister, you’re good to go.
7. Cooking Pot/Bowl Combo
There’s no need to bring a cooking pot and eating vessel when they are both the same item. These combination vessels leave more room in your backpack and less weight.
Going lighter doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice your safety or your gear. You can still have all of the essentials necessary for a great outdoors adventure without being weighed down by a bunch of just in cases. Plan ahead and pack light. – Travel Feeder