Magnet Fishing – The Recent Fishing Trend

For a while now, there have been some fishing trends, weird ones. We have seen catfish noodling, bow fishing, and pitch digging. Although their names sound strange, they are just ways to catch dinner. However, this is not the case with magnetic fishing.
Magnetic fishing refers to a fishing activity done with magnets. However, fishes are not the target of this activity, but lost metallic materials are. In other words, while others are catching exotic fish, the magnetic anglers are interested in pulling up trophies.
These kinds of fishing activities require special gear. You can get a neodymium magnet, gloves, ropes, and a grappling hook. So, if you are interested in this activity, this article will bring you up to speed.
What Magnetic Fishing Is
Like we said earlier, this activity involves using gears like magnets for fishing. While regular fishers intend to catch actual fish, magnetic anglers search for lost metallic objects like keys, boots, and anything they can find. Generally, it is a recreational activity that anyone can carry out.
You might be wondering how this practice started. The truth is that there is no actual beginning to this practice. However, it can be seen as an activity to preserve our ecosystem.
For instance, removing tons of metallic junk from a lake can make it safer for swimming. Also, the idea of having to fish without actually killing any fish can be best for our ecosystem.
What You Can Find
The concept of magnet fishing makes it possible to catch anything containing iron. You can pick up objects like nuts, bicycles, signposts, or even a bomb. So, magnetic anglers need to be careful when fishing.
As much as the activity can be risky, some people also get lucky with their findings. For instance, on a few occasions, people pick up old safes. Though, they are often empty. However, some people get lucky to find a loaded safe.
Several magnet fishers report picking up guns in canals and rivers in places like Europe. Some people believe that they were part of World War II’s weaponry. However, it is best to call a police officer if you discover one.
Gears for Magnetic Fishing

Do you want to give this a try? For starters, a fishing kit might cost as low as 40 bucks. Therefore, anyone can try it.
There are several tools for this activity. However, we will discuss the five vital ones.
Magnets are a necessary tool for this activity. To be specific, you will need to get a neodymium magnet.
While some of these magnets have a single side, others have two sides. However, each of them has its uses. For instance, single-sided magnets are best for lifting heavy objects, while those with two sides can help to scan the bottom of the river.
The magnets for this activity come in different sizes and strengths. And their pulling force can range from 200 to 1000 pounds. However, some experts recommend using a minimum of 500-pound magnets.
After getting magnets, the next part of your gear is a rope, and it is best to use the ones made from synthetic materials because they do not rot. For instance, nylon synthetic ropes are dry treated; therefore, they cannot get heavy or rot after soaking in water.
In addition, high-tech ropes are not necessary. Simple is best, so you can choose fifty feet climbing rope of adequate quality, depending on your fishing area.
If you are going to engage in this activity, you will need some work gloves. This is because; you do not want to get a cut while handling rusty and sharp metals. However, buying expensive gloves is not necessary.
You can purchase work gloves from a nearby hardware store. In addition, avoid using heavy gloves because you may not feel the object on your magnet when you wear them.
Grappling Hook
Grappling hooks are tools that have iron claws and are attached to a rope for fishing activities. Though they are not necessary, they are vital. This is because a grappling tool can help you pull up larger objects once they are at the surface. You can click on to read more about grappling hooks.
Magnet Storage
As much as this might seem unnecessary at first, it is very vital. Powerful magnets can be difficult to keep and carry around. This is because they can stick to your garage or car doors and attempting to remove them without causing any damage is not going to be a pleasant experience. Therefore, you should use magnet storage.
This storage is made of polystyrene material which reduces the magnetic force. In addition, you can carry the storage in plastic coolers or small tackle boxes.
Is Magnetic Fishing Legal?

As much as this might sound fun, it is best to know whether it is allowed in your area. For instance, in places like the UK, it is illegal to do such activities in waters under the management of the River and Canal Trust. However, it is allowed in most parts of the US apart from South Carolina. And this is because of the prohibition on using lifting devices.
So, before jumping into the quest for lost treasure chests, you should check with the authorities in your area. This is because there might be laws prohibiting such activities there. And you do not want to find yourself at the back of a police van with handcuffs.
Magnetic fishing involves hunting for underwater treasures rather than fishing for meals. Though the process might be fun, it also helps clean up our local rivers. By so doing, it becomes safe for swimming and other activities.
There are several reasons people engage in this activity. While some persons are after the fun of having to pull up old stuff, others might simply be doing a cleanup exercise. However, whatever reasons you have, you might be lucky to find a chest full of treasures. But you will need some gears to start your hunt.
The gears needed do not cost much. However, it is best to use a simple but quality gear set. For instance, you can get a strong rope but avoid anything fancy. In all, ensure you have fun. – Travel Feeder