Top 5 New Features of WordPress V2.6
This is a special featured post dedicating to is the blogging platform of Travel Feeder. Without it Travel Feeder would not look as what it is now. WordPress started in 2003 and it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on hundreds of thousands of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day. WordPress is an Open Source project, which means there are hundreds of people all over the world working on it. On July 15, 2008, WordPress has announced the latest version of 2.6! WordPress version 2.6 “Tyner,” named for jazz pianist McCoy Tyner, contains a number of new features that make WordPress a more powerful CMS. Here are the Top 5 New Features of WP 2.6 among many more others:-
Post Revisions: Wiki-like tracking of edits
WordPress has always respected the importance of our writing with auto-save, and now they’re taking that to another level by allowing us to view who made what changes when to any post or page through a super-easy interface.
Press This!: Post from wherever we are on the web
From the suggestions and the Quick Post plugin by Josh Kenzer, wp developed a Press This bookmark we can add to our toolbar that provides a fast and smart popup to do posts to our WordPress blog.
Shift Gears: Turbo-speed our blogging
Gears is an open source browser extension project started by Google. There are a lot of things we can do with Gears in the future, but in this release wp have stuck to using what’s called a “Local Server” to cache or keep a copy of commonly-used Javascript and CSS files on our computer, which can speed up the loading of some pages by several seconds (they just pop right up!). You can install Gears for Firefox or Internet Explorer, with support for Safari and Opera pending. WordPress works just fine without it, you just get a little extra juice when you have it installed.
Theme Previews: See it before your audience does
Now when we select a theme it pops up a window that shows the theme live with all our content, instead of immediately making it active on our site. This is great for just test driving themes before making a switch over publicly, and it is also helpful when we are developing a theme and need to test it but don’t want everybody to see our ongoing
mistakesdevelopment. -
Word count! Never guess how many words are in your post anymore.
I have upgraded to this version since yesterday and hoped that Travel Feeder would give our readers the best presentation that we could. Happy reading! – Travel Feeder, your ultimate photo travel blog
Wow! amazing site.
- July 19, 2008I found your blog via Google while searching for air travel tips and your post regarding New Features of WordPress V2.6 looks very interesting to me. I could not believe the amount of quality material on this site. The site is extremely eyecatching and pulls the reader straight it, the articles are great quality and are very professionally written. I have seen too many of these sites where it looks like they pay an 8 year old to do the writing – Not this one. Your site is easily the best that I have seen in a long while.
- July 20, 2008Air Travel Trips, thanks a lot for your inspiring comments and Travel Feeder will continue to improve ourselve to feed more tips and experiences to our fellow travelers..
- July 20, 2008Cheap Disney Vacation, nice to have your compliments. Thanks.
- July 20, 2008